IGS Audio Springtime Analogue Studio Reverb
Regular price £2,579.16
The IGS Springtime is a 4-channel analog studio reverb built using pairs of springs. One short and one long pair. Every channel has separate wet and dry volume knobs. Also each channel has a 3 band EQ for the wet signal.
What it does
The Springtime fills your room with sound. It glues your mix and enriches the individual tracks. It adds lovely warm color to the midrange. Without EQ, it sounds perfect. With EQ, you can add more definition if you need it.
Everyday use
Try stereo buss send for music tracks to channel 3 and 4 (long springs), mono vocal to channel 1 (short) plus any solo, mono instrument to channel 2 (short). Sometimes even individual instruments can be sent to both kinds of springs in parallel. If you plug it into the insert use 100% Dry and 10% Wet. On sends use 100% Wet, 0% Dry.
Sounds amazing on drums, guitars, piano, vocals, real orchestra, horns, busses, stems, full mixes.