Speck Electronics X6 Compact Line Mixer
Speck Electronics X6 Compact Line Mixer
Speck Electronics X6 Compact Line Mixer

Speck Electronics X6 Compact Line Mixer

Regular price £5,267.86

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Introducing the Xtramix X6, the newest compact line mixer from Speck Electronics. The X6 is a high-definition analog line mixer for routing and blending your external gear. It has been designed as a "quiet-transparent" platform that allows you to build a mixing system using the gear you already own. The X6 can be used to connect all your analog outboard gear regardless of the pedigree, interface to AD/DA converters, and, of course, virtually any synth or sampler. It is a fact that not all studios need a console style mixer with slide faders, so the X6 can often replace a studio desk style console and may be a good fit especially if space is at a premium. With 130+ connectors, 20 stereo inputs, 8 groups, stereo mix, 4 aux sends, and 4 stereo aux returns... a 4 rack space studio mixer is now possible. But there is more - Each input channel has pannable stereo direct outputs and the group and mix sections have balanced inserts + insert bypass. Connect the X6 to any line level source: balanced, unbalanced, transformer, or transformer-less. The X6 has high headroom that will handle balanced signals up to +28dBu.

Input Channel

Each input channel has a stereo level control, pan/balance, 8 group assign, and Stereo Mix assign. 4 aux sends (2 variable sends selectable from 4 aux busses), Aux pre/post select, stereo aux select for true stereo effects send, In-place Solo, and presence of signal LED. The rear panel of the X6 includes left and right active-balanced 1/4” TRS inputs with gain select, and Active-balanced left & right direct outputs on 1/4” TRS jacks. The stereo direct outs are factory configured to follow the level and pan control, but may set to pre-pan. Together with the 8 groups, the pannable stereo directs give the X6 a lot of recording power.

1. Stereo Level Control - This small inner knob is a dual rotary potentiometer that simultaneously and equally adjusts both the left and right input channel levels.

The 0dB mark on the level control is the "unity gain" setting. There is 12dB more gain available past the "0dB" mark.

2. Group Assign - The two assign pushbutton switches, in conjunction with the Pan/Balance Control, allows an input channel to be assigned to any 4 subgroup pairs. A yellow LED on this switch illuminates if either group assign switch is pressed.

3. Assign Changeover Switch - In the up position, the two group Assign Switches [#2] will select groups 1-2 and 3-4. When pressed, the two group Assign Switches will select groups 5-6 and 7-8.

4. Mix Assign - The Mix Assign switch, in conjunction with the Pan/Balance control, allows an input channel to be mixed to the main left/right output. A yellow LED on this switch illuminates indicating that the Mix Assign has been enabled.

5. Pan/Balance Control -The larger outer knob, in conjunction with the group assign switches and mix assign switch, allows the input channel to be assigned to any the 4 sub-group pairs or stereo mix respectively. When a stereo source is connected to an input channel, this control acts as a left/right “balance” control. If a mono signal is plugged into the Left (mono) input jack, then this control acts as a traditional assign “pan” for the selected group assign switch and mix assign.

6. In-Place Solo Switch - In-Place soloing allows you to isolate the stereo channel while maintaining its stereo perspective. The source of the solo signal is post (after) the channel's level and pan controls. When a solo switch is pressed, any adjustment to the channel’s level control will be evident in the monitor and headphone playback. A red LED illuminates any time its associated Solo Switch is pressed.

7. Aux Send (Odd) - The smaller inner knob adjusts the level for the selected "odd" aux busses 1 or 3 when selected with the aux Assign Switch [#9].

8. Aux Send (Even) - The larger outer adjusts the level for the selected "even" aux busses 2 or 4 when selected with the even aux assign Switch [#9].

9. Aux Assign Switch - When this switch is in the up position, Aux Send (Odd) [#7] sends to aux 1 and Aux Send (Even) [#8] sends to aux 2. When this switch is pressed, Aux Send (Odd) sends to aux 3 and Aux Send (Even) sends to aux 4.

10. Aux Pre - This switch selects the source of the Aux Sends. In the up position, the aux sends reflect any adjustment after (Post) the level control. When this switch is pressed (Pre) the input level control has no effect on the level set at the Aux Sends.

11. Stereo Aux Select - Each input channel incorporates an “Aux Ste” switch. When this switch is in the up position, the source for the aux sends is the sum of the left and right input signals, post the input level control. When the “Aux Ste” switch is in the down position, the source for aux sends 1 and 3 is the left input signal, and the source for aux sends 2 and 4 is the right input signal.

12. Presence of Signal - This LED will illuminate when a signal is present at the left or right channel. This provides for easy identification of an active signal even when a channel is unassigned and sound is inaudible.

13. Line Input Left (Mono) - This input is used to connect the left side of a stereo or dual channel source. The (mono) designation on this jack indicates that this jack should be used when you have a monaural source.

14. Line Input Right - This input is utilized to connect the right side of a stereo or dual channel source. A “stereo” input channel will only function when both the left and right inputs are connected.

The stereo input channels of the X6 will work with either balanced tip-ring-sleeve (TRS) ¼" plugs or unbalanced tip-sleeve (TS) ¼" plugs.

15. Gain Select - To optimize the wide range of audio signals that will normally be interfaced to the Xtramix, each X6 input channel has two gain settings available: 0dB and 12dB. The “0dB” setting is intended for professional audio equipment that operates at a +4dBu or -18dBFS, and the “12dB” setting would be for many synth/samplers, or unbalanced gear that has lower output signal level.

16. Pannable Stereo Direct Outputs - The standard X6 is configured with left and right pannable direct outputs. The X6 may be ordered with direct outputs configured “pre” the pan pot for customers that do not need pannable direct. The Direct Outputs provide a balanced line level signal from the channel and operate at a nominal level of +4dBu.

Together with the 8 groups, the pannable stereo directs give the X6 a lot of recording power.

Aux Return Section

Each stereo aux return has stereo level and pan, 8 group assign, mix assign, and In-place solo, and has active-balanced left and right 1/4” TRS balanced inputs.

1. Stereo Aux Return Level - This control is a dual rotary potentiometer that simultaneously and equally adjusts both the left and right channel levels. A Return Level setting of approximately two to three o'clock will yield an adequate level when matched with an effects unit that is properly operated at a professional input/output level of +4dBu.

2. Mix Assign - The Mix Assign switch, in conjunction with the Pan/Balance control, allows an aux return channel to be mixed to the left/right main output. A yellow LED on this switch illuminates indicating that the Mix Assign has been enabled.

3. Group Assign - The two assign pushbutton switches, in conjunction with the Pan/Balance Control, allows an aux return to be assigned to any 4 subgroup pairs. A yellow LED on this switch illuminates if either group assign switch is pressed.

4. Assign Changeover Switch - In the up position, the two group Assign Switches [#3] will select groups 1-2 and 3-4. When pressed, the two group Assign Switches will select groups 5-6 and 7-8.

5. Pan/Balance Control - This knob in conjunction with the group assign switches and mix assign switch, allows the aux return channel to be assigned to any of the 4 sub-group pairs or stereo mix respectively. When a stereo source is connected to an aux return channel, this control acts as a left/right "balance" control. If a mono signal is plugged into the Left (mono) input jack, then this control acts as a traditional assign "pan" for the selected group assign switch and mix assign.

6. In-Place Solo Switch - In-Place soloing allows you to isolate the stereo aux return while maintaining its stereo perspective. The source of the solo signal is post (after) the channel's level and pan controls. When a solo switch is pressed, any adjustment to the channel's level control will be evident in the monitor and headphone playback. A red LED illuminates any time its associated Solo Switch is depressed.

7. Line Input Left (Mono) - Typically, this input is used to connect the left side of a stereo or dual channel source. The (M) designation on this jack indicates that this jack should be used when you have a monaural source.

8. Line Input Right - Typically, this input is utilized to connect the right side of a stereo or dual channel source. A "stereo" input channel will only function when both the left and right inputs are connected.

The stereo aux return channels of the X6 will work with either balanced tip-ring-sleeve (TRS) ¼" plugs or unbalanced tip-sleeve (TS) ¼" plugs.

9. Mix and Solo summing - This DB9 connector provides a convenient way to receive external line level signals directly into the X6 mix and solo busses. This interface can be used as an expander input for a Speck X.Sum mixer, or any audio product with line level outputs.

10. Group and Aux summing inputs - This DB15 connector provides a convenient way to receive external line level signals directly into the X6 group and aux busses.

Group and Aux Masters

Each group master has level control, pan, a stereo mix assign, in-place solo, and insert select switch. There are 4 aux master levels with solo. Each of the 8 group channels has active-balance 1/4" TRS output jacks that are referenced to +4dBu, balanced 1/4" send/receive insert jacks, and 4 active-balanced Aux master output jacks.

1. Group Master Level - This control adjusts the level for each of the 8 sub-groups. Each section includes a Group Master level that controls a balanced ¼" balanced TRS output on the rear panel. Metering for the group outputs is provided by two LED VU meters in selectable pairs (1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8).

2. Insert Switch - Each group channel on the X6 has a balanced send and return available via separate ¼" TRS jacks on the rear connector panel. The insert signal path is immediately after the group active combine circuitry and just before the group master level. When this insert switch is pressed, any audio device connected to the insert connectors is inserted in the group master audio path. An orange LED on this switch illuminates indicating that the insert is enabled.

The question of "What Do Speck Mixers Sound Like" is often asked. Like all Speck Electronics mixers, the X6 has a clean, neutral signal path and does not intentionally add any coloration to the signal. One benefit of the balanced inserts is that you can easily change the sonic signature of the Xtramix X6 by connecting your favorite character/color module to the group or mix inserts. With a push of the insert switch, your X6 sound can go from clean and neutral to any character sound you like.

3. Mix Assign - The Mix Assign switch, in conjunction with the Pan control, allows a group master to be mixed to the left/right main output. A yellow LED on this switch illuminates indicating that the Mix Assign has been enabled.

4. Pan - This center detent pan control places the group master anywhere in the stereo left/right mix when the Mix switch is enabled.

5. In-Place Solo Switch - In-Place soloing allows you to isolate any group channel while maintaining its stereo perspective. The source of the solo signal is post (after) the group's level and pan control. When a solo switch is pressed, any adjustment to the group’s level control will be evident in the monitor and headphone playback. A red LED illuminates any time its associated Solo Switch is pressed.

6. Aux Send Master - The 4 Aux Masters provide master level control to the balanced aux send outputs on the rear panel. When matched with an effects unit that is properly operated at a professional input level of +4 dBu, the optimum setting for this pot is typically anywhere from 2 to 3 o'clock.

7. Solo - When a solo switch is pressed, any adjustment to the aux master level control will be evident in the monitor and headphone playback. A red LED illuminates any time its associated Solo Switch is enabled.

8. Group Outputs - These balanced ¼” TRS jacks are the outputs for groups 1 through 8. The signal present at these jacks is adjusted with the group master level control [#1] on the front panel.

9. Insert Send/Return - Each group channel has balanced ¼" TRS send and return insert jacks and is active when the insert switch [#2] on the front panel is enabled. The insert jacks provide line level inter-stage access to the group (pre) the Group Master level control. This means that any device interfaced to these jacks will not be affected by any adjustments of the Group Master.

The insert jacks may be utilized to connect processors such as limiters, equalizers, or a color/character module.

10. Aux Send Outputs - Each of the 4 Aux Send channels have a balanced ¼" TRS jack to interface to the input of an effects processor.

Master Section

The master section includes a stereo master level, insert switch, a control room monitor master with A/B speaker output select, and headphone level control. The monitor section also has 2 two track returns with level control. The rear panel has a full complement of active-balance 1/4" TRS output jacks; for the left and right mix, send/receive insert jacks, monitor outputs, and 2 track returns.

1. Stereo Master - This control acts as the master volume to the stereo mix output. The operation of the Mix Control does not affect the Monitor or Headphone level. If required, the Xtramix may be configured (on side panel) so the source of the Monitor and Headphone is after (post) the Program Master Level Control.

2. Insert Switch - The master mix section has left and right balanced insert connectors. When this switch is pressed, any dual channel audio device connected to the insert connectors is inserted in the channel's audio path. An orange LED on this switch illuminates indicating that the insert is enabled.

3. Dual VU Displays - These 10 segment VU (volume units) meters indicate the relative levels of the stereo program and 8 group outputs, and are sensitive from -20dB to +3dB.

A meter reading of zero VU reflects a mixer output level of +4dBu, the industry professional standard. This VU meter circuit was designed to approximate the ballistics of a "taut band" analog style VU meter. The mix and group outputs have a maximum output level of +28dBu.

4. VU Meter Select - This momentary switch selects the VU meters for the 8 group outputs and the stereo mix master. To select a pair of meters, press this switch until the desired pair is indicated on the lower LED's: L-R, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, or 7-8.

5. Monitor Master -This controls overall level to both the A or B stereo monitor outputs and operates independent of the mix Master and Headphone Master. Typically, the monitor outputs would be connected to a stereo power amplifier for purposes of driving a personal monitoring system. If required, the Xtramix may be configured (on side panel) so the source of the Monitor and Headphone is after (post) the stereo Master Level Control.

6. Monitor A-B Select - This switch selects either the monitor-A or Monitor-B outputs

7. Monitor Mute -This switch Mutes the master monitor output without affecting the Program and Headphone outputs. When pressed, the LED directly below will illuminate, indicating the monitor signal has been muted.

8. Stereo Headphone Master -This controls the volume of the stereo headphone circuit and operates independent of the mix master and monitor master. If required, the X6 may be configured (on side panel) so the source of the Monitor and Headphone is after (post) the Program Master Level Control.

9. Headphone Jack - This standard 1/4" TRS stereo phone jack will accommodate most popular stereo headphones.

10. Mono Select - When pressed, this switch sums the left and right signal together, creating a mono composite to the monitor and headphone mix. The operation of the mono switch does not affect the main stereo mix

11. 2 Track Returns #1 and #2 - These stereo controls adjust the level of a external stereo source connected to the 2T returns on the rear panel and can be mixed and blended with the monitor and headphone outputs. This could be a CD player or stereo DAW audio signal. This stereo signal is not mixed to the stereo mix or 8 groups. Each has an "On" pushbutton to enable the returns.

12. Power/Solo LED - This LED indicates the operational status of the Xtramix. This dual color LED will change from green to red, as a master solo indicator when any solo switch is pressed.

13. Mix Outputs - These balanced ¼" TRS jacks are the left and right outputs for the stereo master. The signal present at these jacks is adjusted with mix master level [#1] on the front panel.

14. Mix insert send/return - The mix master has left and right balanced ¼" TRS send and return insert jacks and are active when the insert switch [#2] on the front panel is enabled. The insert jack provides line level inter-stage access to the mix bus before (pre) the mix Master level control. This means that any device interfaced to these jacks will not be affected by any adjustments of the mix Master control.

15. Monitor outputs A and B - These balanced ¼" TRS jacks are available for hooking up a power amp or power speakers. The signal present at these jacks is adjusted with the monitor master control [#5] and selected with the monitor A-B select [#6] on the front panel.

16. 2 track returns #1 and #2 - These balanced ¼" TRS jacks allow interface of external auxiliary stereo line level signals. The (M) designation on this jack indicates that this jack should be used when you have a monaural source. These inputs are adjusted with the 2 track level controls [#11] on the front panel.

17. Solo trim control - This control adjusts the overall stereo in-place solo listening level to the monitor and headphone outputs. The adjustment of this control permits the volume of the soloed signal to match the level of the normal stereo mix.

18. DC power inlet - This connector is used to connect the DC cable from the external power supply.

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